What's awesome, I think, is that this book voyeur also appears to live in Toronto. In some amazing convergence of the stars, I hope that someday we'll end up spying on each other reading while in transit.

So, these are the myriad books we espied yesterday.

The Memory of Running by Ron McLarty. It took hubby and I awhile to be able to determine exactly what the title of this book was - the readeress is someone who likes to bend her books into unlikely and I imagine uncomfortable positions, which is good for reading but not good for creepy voyeurs like me. At first, all we could see was Mem-, which led Brook to speculate that perhaps she was reading a book called Memnoch the Damned, which he also speculated "would be awesome". No, there is no book called Memnoch the Damned. YET.
I've both seen and reported on this woman before - she featured in the first C/C for reading Three Day Road. I've noted, having seen her read two books now, that she never has a bookmark and must flip through the book for awhile until she finds where she left off. Girl, if you can afford the book, surely you can afford the FREE bookmark too? You're wasting precious reading time flipping around that way!!! I'm trying to protect you from unnecessary pain here!

In any case, I find it almost impossible to read non-fiction so even if the film version of Into the Wild hadn't completely erased all possibility of me ever reading this book, it's 99% likely I never would have read it anyway.

I do recall her crying in a heap outside his apartment door (maybe I'm not so creepy after all - I suppose it's all relative) and telling him to go fuck himself, repeatedly. I think it might somehow end happily anyway. To use a critical term appropriate to the quality of this book - barf!!! This whole crying outside the door thing is the stuff of late Bon Jovi videos (after they became completely soft, the bastards) and Harlequin romance novels (which the formerly hilarious Grey's Anatomy TV show is looking a lot like these days).

Sometimes it is good to read a book that makes your brain hurt - Crime and Punishment, The Brothers Karamazov, and Invisible Man, to name a few, all made my brain hurt but in a really good way. It's been so long since I read any Faulkner that I honestly can't remember if he gives me good brain pain or not. But now that I've got two Faulkners languishing on my shelf (I've been carrying Light in August around for the past 6 years or so. Le sigh) I guess I'd better find out soon.
But check out this book cover. This edition of Absalom, Absalom! is part of Random House's new Everyman's Library collection of classic books which I totally adore. Most of the paperbacks have that lovely gold and black combination on the cover and they're pretty affordably priced - because everyone should be able to buy and read the classics in beautiful bindings!