You see, I always imagined I'd be reading THREE TIMES AS MUCH post-grad school as I was during grad school. I yearned for it. I banked on it. This belief got me through grad school!! I harboured beautiful dreams of reading a book a day, or over 3 days if Charles Dickens wrote it. Ha!
Now? In reality? Now I'm kicking back and taking things real slow like. This hasn't been a choice, really; I just don't have the fight or flight instinct associated with reading anymore, which is both good and bad.
The good news is, the unpressured read, while lacking in adrenalin, more than makes up for it in lingering pleasure. The bad news is, because of my new laziness, and the fact that I never take public transit, I'm not doing much blogging these days. I fear my blog is disappearing a little, whether I will or no. I worry a little that one day I'll look up and realize that I've forgotten about it; I know, this should be an entirely ridiculous fear but maybe it isn't: in my bookstore owning/post-PhD world, I've forgotten all kinds of things I used to love and engage in daily on the interwebs - like surfing lit forums and looking at pics of LOLcats and reading book news.

I don't want to be the deadbeat dad of the book blogging world. I really don't want that. I don't want you to be bored, and I don't want to become bored. And since I can't read a book every two days (anymore, sigh) like Raych can, I need to figure out something else to write about. So, here goes - my first attempt at thinking in 3 months! Wish me luck...
Don't go! Stay here! Blog as little or as much as you need to! Sometimes blogging needs to be ignored for a while until the glut of ideas Vesuviuses everywhere.
There's nothing wrong with blogging once a week, woman! Certainly its better then those bloggers that witter on about what they had for breakfast and how slow the traffic was on the way into work. I'd be more then happy to wait as you took your time to read a book at a comfy pace, and then give us one of your witty LOL review posts! Fret not! You are not a dead beat dad. ( and every one is entitled to life outside of the interwebs, you know. In some circles tis even considered healthy :0D )
"Because while I don't think many people read, I don't want to lose anyone by being a once a week or less blogger."
I am reading. Speaking just for me, it is a relief when a blogger doesn't write every single day. I can't keep up. Granted I don't have an outside job, and granted my kids live outside the house, it still takes a lot of time to write my own blog, and read other blogs. I am interested in lots of subjects so my bloglist is quite extensive. I love reading about books, but I'd love to hear more about: "in my bookstore owning/post-PhD world"
My guess is you are just plain simply tired. When we get off the treadmill, it takes a little time to be energized again. At first we are beat, exhausted, and need to sit down. Just my 2¢
Your posts make up in quality what they might miss in quantity (I also don't think you have to blog daily to keep your is your content that keeps me checking in.) I have been hoping for some posts about what it is like to own a bookstore, so I am with Nan...I want to hear more about your bookstore:) Please do not compare your self to a deadbeat dad...they are so repulsive and your blog is most definitely not. I mean I don't want to gush here but it is simply one of the best.
You guys are lovely. I don't deserve you.
raych: I love that you've made Vesuvius into a verb!
Celine: Oh, right, life outside the interwebs...
Nan: You're right, I am tired. Some days I don't notice; other days, I feel like falling asleep in the shop!
Book Psmith: You and Nan mentioned wanting to hear more about bookstore life. I've been thinking about how to make that interesting and haven't figured it out yet...maybe you guys can give me a sense about what it is you'd like to hear? I'll also do a preliminary blog post on it one of these days and see what comes out.
It sounds like you need Spring Break to me! I found I read more in graduate school too, because I needed the escape from textbooks. They're definitely not my favorite reading material.
There isn't any detail about a bookstore that I wouldn't want to hear. :<)
Hey DreamQueen, I will quote a diligent and devoted blog writer that I know: "you should enjoy your blog!" If that means posting once a week, or only posting on books that you think are "blog worthy," so be it!
As to the amount you are reading - relax! If I know one thing about you it is your passion for the written word, which may ebb at times and flow freely at others, but is sure to remain an integral part of who you are.
Take it easy on yourself dear!
(Now I will go back to my own guilt about having missed so many great films of late and being three movies behind on my own blog!)
You have the nicest readership ever! And they're so right: the beauty of a blog is that it is whatever you want it to be. Bow to no pressure other than to write well when the mood strikes you--which is often enough. I concur with celine and others above, it's all about quality not quantity, and you have that in spades.
You're not a deadbeat. You're just going through a slow phase. I think most of us do that, now and then. Except maybe Raych. And Bookingmama. And, possibly a dozen others who make some of our heads spin. There have been times I pretty much forgot I had a blog. You'll get past it. :)
And, I agree with Nan. Sometimes too many posts get terribly overwhelming and less is more.
I am a little late in responding but, once again, I have to go with Nan...I am completely fascinated by all facets of the bookstore. I am the person that buys those books written about bookstores. When I am in a bookstore, I am so nosy...I check out what other people are buying and listen to their conversations about what they are reading. I still think about that customer you told me about who came in and cleaned out all your Wodehouse. So in my book you could write about how quickly the dust accumulates on your bookshelves and I would be interested:)
Well, sweeties, I've come up with a title for a bookstore feature so I'll try to post my first one this week. Thanks for all your support and feedback!
And yes, Bellezza, a vay-cay is much needed!
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